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Validated  Assessments for Engaging Diversity

Vigorous Assessment

Measure the Capacity to Engage with People who are Different from our Own


The IDI can be administered to a wide variety of people across a wide range of diverse groups, including different national cultures, different ethnic groups within a nation, and other social groups, big or small, with distinct cultures of their own such as social-economics, age cohort, or gender.   It measures the developmental orientation of students (15 years+), adults,  groups/ teams, or the organization.

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Widely used by Education Institutions, and Organizations in 45 countries

The IDI assessment has been developed and valitdated using rigorous pscyhometric protocols with over 220,000 cross-cultural respondents.   It has been used in over 45 countries by a number of organizations, including corporations (Boeing, Mercer, Microsoft, Walt Disney Parks, etc.) secondary schools and universities (Cornell, King's, Tokyo International etc.), NGO's (YWCA, AFS, etc.), and Governments (Toronto Police Department, State of Oregon, US Federal Reserve Bank, etc.).

From Mono-cultural Mindset to Intercultural Mindset

The IDI identifies Denial, Polarization orientations as a Monocultural Mindset, while the Acceptance and Adaptation orientations as a Intercultural Mindset, with the Minimization stage being the transitional orientation. 

The IDI is a 50-item questionnaire that can be completed online in about 30 minutes.   It has an organization version and an education version (for 15 years and up).  The questionnaire is available in multiple languages, including English and Traditional Chinese.   The assessment is both descriptive and predictive.   Both Individual level and group level reports are available through our qualified IDI administrator.

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Individualized Debrief and Development Plan

An individualized IDP (Intercultural Development Plan) is provided along with each profile report.   It provides a blueprint for the individual to further develop their intercultural competence with targeted personal action plan through a four-step development process.  Our qualified administrator may debrief both the profile report and the development plan to the participants.


The GCAA assess the global competence based on the Global Competence Model. The model incorporates the individual's Internal Readiness - the self-perspective and attitudinal drivers of Global Competence, and external readiness - a person's acquired knowledge through education or life experience.   Ultimately, it measures a person's ability to interact positively and effectively with people in the world.  A education version is available to students over 15 years old.

Global Competence Aptitude Assessment
Global Competence Model

The Global Competence Model

The GCAA is a product of 10 years of original worldwide research and development.   It is validated in 115 countries with 15,600 individuals between the age of 15 to 65, from the education, business, government and non-profits.

The Global Competence Model represents the combination of internal readiness and external readiness for global competence, as determined by comprehensive worldwide consensus research.  Internal readiness includes 4 dimensions - self-awareness, open-mindedness, risk taking, and attentiveness to diversity.   External readiness comprise of another 4 dimensions - global awareness, historical perspectives, intercultural capability, and collaboration across cultures.   The model considers both the important role of education as well as the ultimate needs of the workforce in the organizations. 

Assessment and Profile Reporting

The GCAA is conducted online in about 1 hour. It is comprised of four distinct sections, each with a different question style.  There is cross-referencing throughout the GCAA as each of the eight dimensions of global competence is evaluated from a variety of angles across the different sections.   The questions are in English only.   Student version of the assessment is available.   

Profile Reporting

Development Resources

Each profile report is accompanied by development resources (e.g. recommended books, links to articles, tips, and activities for self-study) that are provided to respondents to advance their competence at their own pace. Our certified practitioner will debrief both the profile report and the development resources to the participants.

“We need to reach that happy stage of our development when differences and diversity are not seen as sources of division and distrust, but of strength and inspiration.”

- Josefa Iloilo

Strength and Inspiration

Which Assessment Should I Take?

These assessments serve different diversity context and may compliment each other as well.   Please contact us for free consultation.

Contact Us

Whatsapp: +852-61110450


Room 29-33, 5/F Beverly Commercial Centre,

87-105 Chatham Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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