Fuel AI-Driven Growth with Future-Ready Skills
Unlock explosive growth in the AI era through future skills development and customized pathways that drive responsible, co-creative, innovative, and sustainable transformation.
Together We Co-create
Advancing Inclusive Innovations for a Shared Future
Co-create pathways towards UN's sustainable development goals by intersecting emergent technologies, socio-cultural changes, economic realities, and global environmental challenges
Leverage Diversity and AI to Augment
Inclusive and Sustainable Innovations
Futures Co-creation Competence (FCC) is a transformative framework that harnesses diversity and AI for innovative solutions, turning tensions arising from differences into creative energy. It unites individuals from diverse backgrounds to collaborate on inclusion, explore complexities, anticipate uncertainties, and envision a desired future. The resulting innovation, embodying inclusivity and sustainability, caters to underserved needs.
Unlock the power of FCC through our
Futures Co-creator Program
Assessing Diversity, Inclusion and Global Mindset
and Track
By using sophisticated and widely researched assessment tools such as the IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory) and the GCAA (Global Competence Aptitude Assessment), our participants may become aware of their current level of capacity, and be able to identity their development areas.
and Connect
Through workshops, programs, virtual exchange, hosted dialogues, webinars, one-on-one coaching, and other experiential activities, we help participants recognize, understand, engage, and leverage diversity as a resource for co-creation, innovating solutions to tackle shared challenges.
Co-creation Insights
Contact Us
Whatsapp: +852-61110450
Room 29-33, 5/F Beverly Commercial Centre,
87-105 Chatham Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong